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Day in and out, Mosquito Guard applies barrier sprays that help improve our customer's lives by eliminating mosquitoes on their properties. You will experience immediate results with our mosquito control service and can expect up to a 90-95% reduction in the mosquito population after your second treatment. Mosquito Guard's barrier spray is your single best weapon against mosquitoes. What makes our sprays so effective?

To understand, you need to know about mosquito feeding habits. The female mosquito is the only one who feeds on blood. The male feeds on plant juices. Did you know that females eat plant juices too? Females actually only eat blood during their breeding cycles when they need a special protein to produce eggs. During all other times, these ladies drink plant juices just like the guys. That is why all mosquitoes congregate on plants.

Using this knowledge of mosquito habits, we are able to target them more effectively. The barrier sprays we use are applied to the trees and plants in your yard and contain a binding agent that prevents them from washing off. They will last up to 21-24 days. At that time, we will return and reapply. When mosquitoes feed off of the greenery in your yard, they land on the spray and are eliminated. Because we target mosquito habitats and there are no lapses, our sprays are extremely effective. Beyond eliminating on contact, they also create a virtual barrier around your property to keep other mosquitoes from entering.

Take back your yard with Mosquito Guard! We will set up a season long treatment plan for your property, so you can make the most of your time outdoors this summer.

Why choose us?

- Our proprietary barrier spay works best in class!

- Mosquito Guard is uniquely licensed and trained by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry in mosquito control.

- We are 100% locally owned, based in Mandeville, LA



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